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  • Karl has been working on totally revamping the club's website and as part of this he has diligently copied across all of the tumblr blogs I wrote from 2013-2017. The idea is that we will host all of them there in the future.
    Instead of just reporting on our latest races and club runs (which can get a bit repetitive after a while!), I've been intending to add some different features to the blogs. I'm hoping to be able to interview some of the people who have been in the club for decades to find out about how the club has developed and also their own cycling stories through the years.
    I'm out of action with an injury so I've had a lot of time on my hands recently. I couldn't interview anyone, so I decided to kickstart these retrospective features by telling my own story of how I first got into cycling as a teenager (before completely abandoning the sport for many years). This is the result:­ast-from-the-past/


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