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  • Dear members of Lea Valley CC,

    As some of you will know, we were to unable to hold the LVCC AGM on the 12th December as the meeting was not quorate. We need 20% of the membership to attend the meeting , that’s about 30 people at the moment. I am afraid that we only had 12 there so the meeting, especially as were to elect a new President could not go ahead.

    Thank you, by the way , to everyone who did attend on what was a rather cold and miserable December evening.

    Whilst we did have a good discussion about the club, including ideas for organising events and the renovation of the race HQ we were not able to get any of the “official “ business done. So John is possibly still the President , we still don’t have a club secretary and the committee remains the same

    All of this means that we must make another attempt to hold the 2017 AGM.

    So, on Tuesday 9th January the Lea Valley 2017 AGM will be held at the Scout Hut in Woodbridge.
    The meeting will start at 8pm or once we have the chair out and we are quorate. The agenda will be the same the meeting on the 12th.

    Volunteers to help me, Edward, run the meeting and take minutes would be more than welcome.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss any agenda item or are interested in standing for the committee or one of the club’s offices. The email is


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