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  • The TT season kicks off soon (for hardy types anyhow) and the sun might even start to warm our backs on Sundays in the not too distant future.

    I'm going to keep up the wattbike sessions until the start of March, so if you want to add some variety to your training (and you are bored of staring at a laptop on the turbo) or if you've done nothing since Christmas and need to blow away the cobwebs in the legs come along and give it a go.

    Details below (and if you can't make Thursdays, LVVP have a programme of other sessions every day):

    Sessions are for an hour every Thursday starting at 7pm (arrive at 6.45 to set up). The sessions will be based on the Sufferfest training videos, using high spec Wattbikes. And there will be a coach to keep us honest and fill bidons.

    Cost is £10 per session. Pay on the day at reception or book in advance online (ask for / search for Sufferfest coached session).

    Any questions, let me know...


    Some small print:
    ◦Sessions start at 7pm but I suggest arriving 10 minutes early to set up the bike and your Garmin.

    ◦It's easy to sync your Garmin to the Wattbike to record your power numbers and benchmark your progress (or compare numbers if you dare).

    ◦The Wattbike pedals are compatible with Look Keo, Shimano SPD (MTB) cleats or trainers (no SPD SL unfortunately)

    ◦There are fans but it gets hot, so worth bringing a water bottle and small towel.

    ◦Normal lightweight bib and jersey is best (you will boil in winter kit!).

    More information:
    ◦All about Sufferfest training videos:

    ◦Wattbikes (seriously cool):

    ◦LVVP Velostudio:­don2012/velo-park/fitness/

    ◦VeloStudio youtube video:


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