• Don Keen says: "Hi All. Just to remind you all that this year the Gordon Attwell Tourist Trial will be a reliability ride of two distances. Just under 50 mile and just under 30 mile. The start will be from the LVCC bungalow at Burton End, CM24 8UQ. Starting at 10am. On Sunday 16 October. You can ride either distance as the 'tourist trial' trophy will be awarded using an ingenious system covering either distance.

    You will not be stopping and starting, answering lots of questions but reading a route card and map to give you a virtually uninterrupted ride around some of the little lanes of Essex.

    I hope this new format will encourage more members to come out and enjoy this very sociable event whilst still getting some good miles in.

    Please let me know by email don@keenyville.fsnet.co.uk if you are riding and if you require lunch ( and any dietary requirements). Lunch will be from 2pm and a small charge will be made to cover costs."


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