• Dear All,
    Please find enclosed 2016 Handbook Supplement which gives details of all 2016 Time Trial Qualifying Events for club trophies, club handicap awards and club championship.

    There are a number of awards the club has to offer.
    Club Championship - this is awarded to the club member with the fastest total for a 10m, 25m, 30m and 50m time trial.
    Fastest 10 - a trophy is available for the club member with the fastest 10m time trial (TT)
    Fastest 50 - a trophy for the fastest 50m TT over the year
    Fastest 100 - Again another trophy for the fastest 100m TT.
    Longest 12hr - Awarded to the club member who completes the most miles in a 12hr TT.

    There are also handicap awards given for each distance. Your handicap is given on the basis of performance in the last 2yrs and age. This will have an impact on your time for each event and gives an opportunity to get awards for a number of events.

    So the list enclosed is those events that can qualify for awards. Each event has an organiser (Event Secretary) and your entries must be submitted to them 10days before the TT Event. To find out the details of the Event Secretary have a look on the CTT website or contact Mark

    1 Attachment

  • Is it possible to also upload an explanation of the various awards and championships on offer?

  • All done. See the additions above.

  • Thanks Mark, I finally understand it!

    Shall we post members' positions in the Club Championships throughout the season?

  • Good idea, Ed, that would certainly create more interest (but it does rely on people supplying their times)

  • Hi All,
    Just wondering. Are the times taken from ANY open event, or restricted to just LVCC events?

  • I had better consult the rule book; back in a bit.

  • Colin - each year that I've been in the club (every season from 2009), I've been asked to provide my fastest TT times in any event (i.e. not just ones promoted by the club) to whoever works out who wins the prizes. I'm not sure how it works: there seem to be some prizes related to club events (which, presumably, you don't have to provide your times for as the club should already know them) and others that are across all competitions.

  • Hi. Sorry it might be confusing. The prizes for the club events eg club 25, club 30 etc can only be awarded if you enter into the club events that I posted in the Club Handbook Supplement. As Jamie says you don't necessarily need to supply your times as we hold these in club records. At the end of the year we will also work out your handicap for the club handicap event.
    But the award for club champion can include any event you have entered. As long as it includes a 10, 25, 30 and 50 TT. Sorry its a bit obtuse but keep riding those TT.

  • Good idea Ed and Jamie to post leaders.

    We wont be able to work out the handicap awards until the end of the year.

  • Thanks to everyone who helped organise the 25 last weekend. I think we won the team prize by default! Does anyone know who was taking photos? There was a guy out on the course.

    Also, what exactly is the 32nd Association, and what comps do they have? I've seen various things about 32nd Association events but no central thing. Is there a season long points competition?

  • First rule of the 32nd Association is you do not talk about the 32nd Association...

  • Ah right. Totally clear now.

  • 32nd Association = collection of clubs, I think all originally from East London, that had 'huts' built out on the same strip of land in northern Essex not far from the 32nd milestone on the old A11 route from London to Cambridge. Not sure how many of those clubs are still going concerns, but I think it includes Lea Valley, Eagle, Shaftesbury, Victoria and possibly one or two others (Crest? Easterly?). I think there is some kind of season-long competition, based on position in events rather than on your actual times, should be some info on the Shaftesbury website: https://www.shaftesburycc.uk/tt/2015/POI­NTS32.HTM

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Time Trial Club Events - Qualifying for Club Awards 2016

Posted by Avatar for Mark-F @Mark-F
